Breakthrough Advancements in Eye Care

At Swagel Wootton Eye Institute in Mesa and Chandler, AZ, we stay up to date on the latest innovations in eye care. Learn about devices and techniques that have revolutionized low vision care and cataract surgery in Phoenix. Additionally, new advances in science have expanded the use of LASIK eye surgery in Phoenix.
Robotic-Assisted Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery in Phoenix has become faster thanks to new robotic technology. Since 1999, femtosecond lasers have become they wait to replace manual incisions with more precise robotic techniques. This allows eye surgeons to perform blade-free surgery that allows for faster healing.
In robotic cataract surgery, a femtosecond laser placed over the eye uses images captured by an attached imaging system. This allows the laser to create an incision in the cornea, open the lens capsule and break apart the natural lens. The entire process takes 5 minutes and allows the surgeon to insert the replacement lens that will correct the patient’s vision.
Artificial Retina
Artificial retinas use light-activated protein (bacteriorhodopsin) to mirror the function of human photoreceptors. This technology replaces damaged retinal cells so that your eye can absorb light and continue to transmit messages to the brain.
Conditions improved by artificial retinas include vision loss due to age related macular degeneration (AMD) or advanced retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Both of these conditions result from the loss of photoreceptor cells, which your eyes need for light sensitivity.
PanOptix Toric IOL Lens
The AcrySof® IQ PanOptix® Toric IOL can improve vision for patients who have undergone cataract removal surgery. This artificial lens implant can help patients see better following the removal of cataracts. Those who benefit from this lens typically have blurred vision prior to the procedure.
Improved Measurement of Corneal Elasticity
Kirill Larin, a professor at the University of Houston, is working on a machine to improve the measurement of corneal elasticity. The machine uses a puff of air to create waves that can be measured on the eye’s surface. The puffs of air cannot be detected by patients, but measurements taken help doctors determine the elasticity of the cornea. Using Oct imaging technology, this helps the doctors reconstruct biometric properties of your cornea. Larin already has a prototype that shows a lot of process.
Smart Contact Lenses
The smart contact lens magnifies images for patients with low vision. Designed by Mojo Vision the patented lens projects content from your smartphone directly to your contact lens. It can produce images anywhere within your eyes’ range of vision.
At Swagel Wootton Eye Institute, we stay on top of the latest technology in eye care. From smart contact lenses to robotic surgery, you receive the best care from our experienced eye doctors. Whether you need LASIK eye surgery in Phoenix or want to discuss the latest advances in cataract surgery in Phoenix, our dedicated surgeons are available for a consultation at any time. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!